No Phone, No Tab, No Laptop
ShishuOne supports No Screen Time for kids in early Years. We are ready to beat the Tab. Are YOU??
Get FREE guidance on better management of Escreen time for your kids.
Some Facts for all parents to know
Safety, Love and Learning
“We don’t have cellphones at the table when we are having a meal, we didn’t give our kids cellphones until they were 14”.
Bill Gates,
Founder Microsoft
Unlimited Screen Time in early childhood can lead to
- Speech Delay
- Sleep Disruption
- Loss of Social Skills
- Aggression
- Obesity
- Vision Problem
- Aches and pains in wrist, head, back.
- Excessive exposure to radiations from tech devices can also lead to Cancer in some cases.
Recommended time limit for Screen use among kids
A. Till 2 yrs – No Usage, 0 hrs/day
B. 2yr to 5yr – 0.5 hrs/day in the company of parents
C. 5yr and above – 1hr/day of high quality educational content
The rate of cellphone/ta/micorwave radiation absorption is higher in children than adults because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner, and their relative size is smaller. – Multiple studies have shown that children absorb twice as much radiation than adults.
Things for parents to do
- Reduce their own screen time
- Never use tabs/phones during mealtime.
- Provide alternative play options to kids.
- Engage in reading session with children everyday
- Remove TV from Master Bedroom. Screens (including Ipads and laptops.) should be in common room only.
- Never provide electronic devices to kids if not charged properly.